How to Find the Right ABA Provider for Your Family 

finding the right ABA provider

How to Find the Right ABA Provider for Your Family

As a parent or caregiver of a child with autism, finding the right Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) provider can be a daunting task. There are many providers, and choosing the best option for your child can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you find the proper ABA fit for your family: 

Realize not all ABA providers are the same.

Each ABA provider has a different approach to ABA. Though the research-based principles of antecedent, behavior, and consequence (ABC) apply to most providers, their approach to delivering therapy may be different. 

ABA began in a classroom-type setting where therapists sat down and worked on repetitive drills with the clients. Many clinics offer this intensive therapy approach. While repetition is essential to learning, so is playing. 

Other providers, like ABA Connect, take a play-based approach to therapy. This philosophy is rooted in the belief that play is therapeutic work for a child. When a child is playing, developmental progress occurs with the guidance of a trained Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Play can be incredibly motivating for a child. Once a therapist can leverage that motivation, your child’s progress will take off. 

  • During a tour or phone consultation, ask the staff about their approach to ABA. 

Look for an ABA provider with experience and expertise.

Finding one with experience and expertise in ABA therapy is essential when searching for an ABA provider. This suggestion may seem obvious. However, it can be challenging for providers to recruit, train, and retain Registered Behavior Therapists (RBTs) and Behavior Therapists (BTs). Look for providers with BCBAs on staff who are trained and certified to design and supervise ABA therapy programs. Consider asking about the leadership style of the BCBA and how they address challenges. Also, ask about their experience working with children with autism and their success rates. It will shine through if they are passionate and have seen incredible results through their practice. 

  • Ask if the RBTs and BTs working directly with your child are under the close supervision of an experienced BCBA. 

Consider the ABA provider’s location and availability. 

ABA therapy requires regular and consistent sessions, so it is important to find a provider that is conveniently located and has availability that fits with your schedule. Consider how far you are willing to travel for therapy sessions and whether the provider offers flexible scheduling options. 

Many providers, like ABA Connect, also offer in-home therapy. In-home therapy may be a good option for you, depending on your child’s and your family’s needs.

  • Ask about convenient clinic-based locations as well as in-home and community-based treatment options. 

Look for a provider that offers individualized treatment plans. 

Each child with autism is unique, so finding a provider to create an individualized treatment plan tailored to your child’s needs is crucial. Ask about their assessment process and how they design treatment plans. A good provider will work with you to identify goals for your child and create a program focused on evaluating and achieving those goals. 

  • Ask how the assessment process works and if you can contribute to providing the therapist with information about your child as well as your own goals.

Consider the ABA provider’s communication and collaboration style with parents. 

A good ABA provider will value open communication and collaboration with parents. At ABA Connect, parents are our partners. Look for providers who respect your role as a parent or caregiver and will work with you to set goals and regularly update you on your child’s progress. You should also feel comfortable asking questions and providing feedback to the provider. 

Caregiver training is vital to a successful ABA program, so look for providers that include regular caregiver training opportunities. 

  • Ask about their communication styles and how they involve parents in therapy.

Research the ABA provider’s reputation and reviews. 

Research the potential provider’s reputation by checking their website and online reviews. Look for positive reviews from other parents of children with autism. You can also ask for references from the provider and contact other parents who have used their services. 

  • Ask for references from current client families. 

Finding the right ABA provider for your family can take time, but it is worth it, in the long run, to invest in finding a provider that meets your child’s needs and makes you feel comfortable. By following these tips and doing your research, you can find the right ABA provider for your family and set your child up for success in their therapy journey. 

Call us to schedule a free consultation with ABA Connect to discuss how we can meet your child’s treatment needs. 

At ABA Connect, we are passionate about helping children with autism thrive, and our experienced team is ready to guide your child toward remarkable progress using a play-based approach.

You Can Start the Process TODAY!

  1. Complete our Online Start Services Form
  2. Call ABA Connect at 833- 225-9393 to Schedule an In-Home Consultation
  3. Conduct an Assessment, Develop a Treatment Plan, and Start Services

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