screen time and kids with autism

Navigating the Screen Time Tightrope: Balancing Tech for Kids with Autism

Parent Perspective: The Pros and Cons of Screen Time for Children with Autism There is no escaping technology. The children we’re raising today live in a world vastly different from our childhoods. Gone are the days of endless outdoor play…
summer camp

How to Know if Your Child With Autism Is Ready for Summer Camp

A Parent’s Perspective: 10 Things to Help Prepare Your Child for Camp Now is the time of year when parents begin chatting about how they will keep their kids entertained this summer. It'll be here before you know it, even though the ground…
haircuts for kids with autism
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Creating a Positive Haircut Experience for Kids with Autism

A Parent's Perspective: Tips for Sensory-Friendly Haircuts I used to cut my son's hair. I knew if I took him somewhere for a haircut, he would freak out from the overwhelming sensory experience. But if I cut it, I could set the stage for success…

10 Lasting Ways to Recharge as a Parent of a Child with Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: The Importance of Self-Care (not Self-Comfort)  Self-care has gotten a bad rap in recent years. I think it’s because there’s a focus on pampering yourself with bubble baths and pedicures that simply isn’t, nor…
new years autism parenting

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of Children with Autism

A Parent’s Perspective: Reflecting on special needs parenting and looking toward the new year For many of us raising children with autism, our goals for the new year may differ greatly from our parenting peers. Losing 10 pounds or striving…
holiday stress autism

Holiday Planning that Makes Room for Autism

A Parent's Perspective: No more holiday stress The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for parents and caregivers of children with autism, it can also bring unique challenges as well as full-on…
thankful for autism

Things to be Thankful for with Autism {+ a FREE printable}

A Parent's Perspective: The awesome things about autism I'm most grateful for this Thanksgiving November is a season of thanksgiving and gratitude. If we're honest, thankfulness is not typically our first response when parenting a child with…
how to get an autism diagnosis

Does My Child Have Autism?

A Parent's Perspective: How to get an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else. Yet your proximity to them may limit your ability to have an unbiased opinion of their development. If…
special needs sibling

Nurturing Special Needs Sibling Bonds: Keys for a Strong and Supportive Relationship

A Parent's Perspective: Sibling Relationships If you are a parent or caregiver of a child with autism, you understand the unique challenges and joys of raising a child with different abilities. One of the most worrisome aspects of parenting…
autism friendly home

Creating an Autism-Friendly Home

A Parent Perspective: Incorporating ABA Into Your Home Environment Scrolling through social media one day, this post completely captured my feelings of home:  I love my home. I love being at home. And I love inviting people over to…
ABA Skills

How to Practice ABA Skills at Home

I can’t wait to get home and work on everything my child learned in therapy! Said no mother ever.  Therapy is not just hard work for my kid; it's hard work for me. I know a consistent approach is essential to the transference of skills…
ABA parent training

Supporting Your Child’s ABA Journey with Confidence

Understanding the ABA Parent Training Process at ABA Connect Before my son Nathan came along, I thought I was a pretty good parent. I knew the fundamentals of providing a nurturing, loving home environment for my child with healthy boundaries…