Entries by ABA Connect

3 Conditioned Motivating Operations – CMOs

What are conditioned motivating operations (CMOs)?  First we need to discuss motivating operations (MOs).  MOs  or sometimes called establishing operation (EOs) refers to a state that changes the value of consequences and elevates their status as reinforcers.  For example, not having eaten lunch in a while creates a state of hunger which is a motivating operation […]

5 ABA Instructional / Educational Methodologies

Discrete Trial (DT) Lovaas 1960 SD – Prompt Response – Sr+ Direct Instruction (DI) Siegfried Engelmann Choral Responses Fast Paced Highly reinforcing teaching technique Small groups Direct instruction is small group, face-to-face lessons.  It includes immediate error correction.  It is highly structured scripted lessons, fast paced and frequent assessments and regrouping based on those assessments. […]

6 Attitudes of Science

Determinism: Is based on cause and effect relations and lawfulness.  Everything can be determined. Empiricism: Is based on facts, observation, and experimentation.  An emperor obserserves from his throne. Experimentation: Manipulation of variables and taking measurements and collecting data yields answers.  When you are experimenting, you are conducting an experiment. Replication: Experiments can be repeated to check for […]

Schools of Behaviorism

Methodological Behaviorism S-O-R Stimulus organism variable response Occurs in response to stimuli in the physical environment as mediated through presumed internal processes according to an S-O-R model of psychology.  Methodological behaviorists believe that human behavior results from the action of presumed organic variables that determines how a person responds to external stimuli. According to Methodological […]

3 Ways to Measure Time

Latency:  The time from the presentation of a stimulus to the start of the behavior Duration:  The time from the start of a behavior to the completion of the behavior. Also called temporal extent. Inter Response Time: Time from the end of a response to the beginning of the next response

Interval Recording

Time Sampling: Refers to a variety of methods to record behavior at specific moments.  One divides the observation period into intervals and then record either the presence or absence of a behavior within or at the end of the interval. Partial Interval Recording: Record whether the behavior happened at any time during the interval.  Tends […]

Standard Celeration Charts

The standard celeration chart is a method of charting and analyzing changes over time.  Ogden Lindsely invented this charting technique in the 1960s.  The are 4 different types of charts which scale across the horizontal axis.  There is the daily (140 calendar days), weekly, monthly and yearly charts.  The daily chart is the one that […]

Response-Deprivation Hypothesis

The term “response-deprivation hypothesis” refers to a model for predicting whether or not one behavior will function as a reinforcement for another behavior. Restricting access to the one behavior would create a state of deprivation for access to that behavior which creates a situation where access to the deprived behavior acts as a potential reinforcer […]

Matching-to-Sample and Stimulus Equivalence

Matching to Sample in ABA refers to a procedure where a stimulus is presented and taught to match a secondary stimulus (such as the word “car” and a picture of a car).  When the two stimulus are correctly matched, a reinforcer is given to increase future likelihood  of the stimulus matching to occur again. Reflexive […]

Attitudes of Science

ABA is a science of behavior and scientists have a set of “attitudes” that follow: Determinism Scientists presume that the world is a lawful place where events occur because of other events that present in the environment.  Things do not happen haphazardly in the universe.  Instead, things happen because of a consequence of other events […]

Behavioral Contrast

Behavioral contrast occurs in a multiple schedule of reinforcement or punishment and describes what happens when a change in the schedule of one part of the reinforcement or punishment changes a behavior in an opposite direction in the other component of the schedule. An example from Applied Behavior Analysis given is that of a child […]

Echoics, Mands, Tacts

The Echoic is a verbal operant that is present when a person verbally repeats what another person says.  Echoic is a point-to-point correspondence meaning that the verbal stimulus and response products match in entirety. Motor imitation is related to echoics and can be a stepping stone to learning echoic behavior.  Echoics are a precursor to […]