Entries by ABA Connect

NCR: Noncontingent Reinforcement

Noncontingent Reinforcement Part 1: Overviewby Gabriel Gafner at ABA Connect Noncontingent Reinforcement (NCR) is the presentation of a reinforcer, independent of the presence of a specific behavior. The learner receives reinforcement on a set schedule instead of for a positive response. The classic example is of a student sitting in the front of the classroom, […]


Academic Pressure: What Parents Can Do to Help

Some children struggle in school academically, while others who are achieving academically may have struggles of being “overachievers.” While being an overachiever can develop one in many ways, it also came with me being anxious due to academic pressure. Children may feel defined myself by the grades they make, and it can impact overall mood. […]

T-Shirt for A Cause

This month we have created a fundraiser to contribute to a local Austin nonprofit group VELA. VELA helps families who have children with special needs by connecting them to community as well as providing educational support. We are selling ABA t-shirts, at cost here: https://www.bonfire.com/fund-raiser-for-vela/https://www.bonfire.com/fund-raiser-for-vela/ For every t-shirt purchased, ABA Connect is donating $10 to […]

People in ABA

Robert Koegel and Laura Schreibman developed PRT (Pivotal Response Training).  It targets self-initiation of the subject’s preferred activities in a natural setting.. Fred S. Keller developed PSI (Personalized System of Instruction), a self-paced teaching method. Ogden Lindsley developed precision teaching which uses a semi-logarithmic chart also known as a Standard Celeration Chart.  The chart has […]

Stimulus Control: Salience, Masking and Overshadowing

Stimulus Salience refers to how obvious or prominent a stimulus is in a person’s environment.  If a person has visual deficits, then visual stimulus will not have as much salience as auditory stimulus, for example.  In order to notice stimulus, and for that stimulus to have salience, a learner must possess pre-attending skills necessary for […]

Reinforcer Assessment

The quality / power of reinforcement can be determined with a reinforcer assessment.  A variety of direct, data-based methods are used to present one or more stimuli contingent on a target response and then measuring the future effects on the rate of responding. Concurrent schedule of reinforcer assessment: pits two stimuli against each other to […]


Behavior is movement of an organism through space and time.  It must past the “dead man’s test” which is to say, “if a dead man can do it, it isn’t behavior.”  Behavior can only be done by a living organism and does not include movements due to physical pressures exerted upon that organism.  For example, […]

Token Economy

Response Cost: Is a negative punishment that involves taking back tokens that have been earned.  It can be thought of as a fine for unwanted behavior which, hopefully, creates a decrease in the future possibility of this behavior occurring. A token can serve as a Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer (GCR).  That is, it has been paired […]

Baseline Logic

Baseline logic looks at 3 dimensions of single-case design.  These are : prediction, verification and replication. Prediction: What do you think will happen in the future Verification: Showing that the dependent variables (DVs) would not change without intervention (independent variables: IVs). Replication: Taking away the intervention, reintroducing it, and obtaining similar outcomes

Types of ABA Study Designs

Multiple baseline across participants is done by having multiple participants in the study and staggering when the intervention is applied.  At first baseline data is taken on all participants, and then participants are given treatment over time. Alternating treatments design switches treatments back and forth, one at a time.  The treatments are “turned on / […]

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Selecting interventions is based on: what a behavioral assessment deems to be the problem behavior and its function as determined by data analysis what the client needs in terms of a replacement behavior the social significance of the change evaluating the environment to see if it will produce reinforcement for the client after the intervention […]

Errorless Learning

Errorless learning is based on the idea that if a student is successful and has more opportunities to be successful and receive reinforcement, they are more likely to exhibit correct behaviors in the future.  Skinner said “Errors are not necessary for learning to occur.”