Mourning the Loss of Senior Year

I originally planned to write this blog on how parents and students can prepare for the “End of Year” activities. A major aspect of COVID-19 is the impact this will have on high school seniors. I honestly cannot fathom how high school seniors…

How to Talk to Your Child About Friends

Friends are important parts of our lives because we choose to interact with them. For children, making and having friends is probably the most valuable experiences they can have. Looking back on my childhood, I can remember having amazing experiences…

Do You Need a Parent Time Out?

In a previous blog, there was discussion related to “Alternatives to Time-Out” on how to effectively implement time out with children.  In working with parents, especially those who are having trouble with their child’s behavior, there…

Tips on How to Remain Calm During the Pandemic

The world can seem like a scary place, especially when we are able to receive news updates almost instantaneously. It may be easier to distance ourselves from tragedies or major world events when these events are happening thousands of miles…

How to Teach Your Child Responsibility

As parents, your main goal is to teach your child to be a self-efficient adult; however, that is easier said than done. Teaching your child responsibility is a lesson that requires consistency. When we are responsible, it proves we can take…

New Year, Renewed School Motivation!

A New Year and new semester is upon us. It’s a great time to re-energize and refresh routines for the entire family. Many children struggle to stay organized, manage a hectic schedule, and complete the large volumes of homework that are…

Experiences Impact Happiness More Than Material Gifts

As we approach the holiday season, I’ve been thinking about my upcoming visits with family and how to make the best of every moment together. My family is, sadly, spread out all across the country, so our visits are few and far between. Looking…

NCR: Noncontingent Reinforcement

Noncontingent Reinforcement Part 1: Overviewby Gabriel Gafner at ABA Connect Noncontingent Reinforcement (NCR) is the presentation of a reinforcer, independent of the presence of a specific behavior. The learner receives reinforcement on…

Academic Pressure: What Parents Can Do to Help

Some children struggle in school academically, while others who are achieving academically may have struggles of being “overachievers.” While being an overachiever can develop one in many ways, it also came with me being anxious due to academic…

Back to School Nerves? How to Help Your Child.

You probably remember that antsy feeling before the first day of school. It was a combination of excitement, a little bit of nervousness, and maybe some sadness about the end of vacation. Some kids worry about getting a mean teacher or having…

Children Should Move In Class

Children should move in class because movement can promote focus and learning. Several studies have shown that physical activity enhances brain functioning. Yet, most of the school day requires sitting still. A recent New York Times article summarizes…

Should Parents Tell Their Kids About Their Disability?

Often, parents ask whether or not they should tell their child about their recently diagnosed disability. Whether or not to share with your child their identified challenges is an important question. On one hand it can be important to inform…