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Here’s A Selection Of Popular Blog Posts

ABA Therapy in Houston
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New Year, New You?

The New Year often brings resolutions of positive, sometimes dramatic changes to our lifestyles. Goals of weight loss, exercise, healthy eating, organization, or career accomplishment are commonly kick-started by the changing of the calendar.…

The Dangers of Overparenting

Although it is clear that parents who are involved in their children's education contribute to their well-being and success, overparenting can do more harm than good. Parents can be a source of support for their children, or they can create…

Is Helicopter Parenting Holding Kids Back?

A recent article published by Slate brings attention to the possible negative impact of being too invested and involved in our children’s lives and success, described as “helicopter parenting.” Dr. Brooks discussed this in an earlier blog…
Smiling female teacher in the preschool

The School Year Wrap-Up

Before the school year becomes a distant, faded memory, it can be helpful to sit down with your son or daughter to do a positive “school year wrap-up.” This exercise prompts self-reflection and helps your child make connections between actions…

Put Away Smartphones!

When we want to reduce our kids' screen time, one of the best ways is preventative, on the front end. It's so easy nowadays for kids (and adults) to turn to the screen to find something to do. While this convenience has its benefits, it ultimately…