7 Dimensions of ABA

G-E-T A C-A-B Generality is that the behavior carries over into other contexts other than just the training environment. Behavior change proves durable over time, appears in a wide variety of environments, or spreads to a wide variety of related…

Motivating Operations

An establishing operation (EO) is a motivating operation that increases the value of a reinforcer and increase the frequency in behavior that provides access to the reinforcer (Cooper, Heron & Heward, 207, p. 695).  An example of  an EO…

Group Contingency

A group contingency is a behavior management protocol where a single consequence (it can be a reward or aversive) is given based on either the behavior of an individual in a group, the behavior of a particular set of people within the group…

Don Baer

Don Baer is one of the "fathers of generalization."  In 1999, he wrote: "Learning one aspect of anything never means that you know the rest of it.  Doing something skillfully now never means that you will always do it well.  Resisting one…

Instructional Design that Promotes Generalization

Multiple exemplar training: A teaching style, for the benefit of generalization, uses a variety of stimulus and response outcomes.  For example, teaching a child to say, "hello" and / or wave to the stimulus of both to someone waving hello…


A contingency can be either a reinforcement or punishment that occurs after a behavior has been expressed by an individual or group.  A naturally existing contingency, in layman's terms, "natural consequence" happens without the manipulation…


Baer, Wolf, and Risely (1968) included "generality of behavior change" as one of their 7 dimensions of applied behavior analysis.  Generalization of behavior change occurs when that behavior occurs outside of the learning environment.  Generalization…

Schedules of Reinforcement

A schedule of reinforcement is a rule that describes how often the occurrence a behavior will receive a reinforcement.  On the two ends of the spectrum of schedules of reinforcement there is continuous reinforcement (CRF) and extinction (EXT). Continuous…

Reinforcement 101

The concept of reinforcement is one of the most important and utilized principles in applied behavior analysis.  The most basic definition of reinforcement is that a type of behavior (R) is followed by a reinforcement (S^R) there will be an…

Preference Assessment

A preference assessment is conducted to identify potential reinforcers.  Note, we don't know that these things are actually reinforcing until we see if applying the items increases a behavior.  To determine if a potential reinforcer is actually…

Classifying Reinforcers

Unconditioned Reinforcer is also called a primary reinforcer.  These are reinforcers that do not need to be learned, such as food, water, oxygen, warmth and sex.  These are all primary drives that we have for basic survival and if they are…

Premack Principle (Grandma’s Law)

The Premack Principle is also known as "Gradmas's Law." Parents (and Grandmas) use it naturally all the time. It is the principle that offering something that happens often in a free operant situation to be contingent upon something else that…