Our Story

Uncover the Inspiring Story of ABA Connect

From the beginning, ABA Connect was different from most ABA providers, with a strong emphasis on play-based therapy as the motivator for increasing skills and communication in children with autism.

Our mission is to help kids develop communication and self-advocacy skills through play-based ABA so they can connect to one another and the world around them.

Today, with multiple locations, we remain committed to play-based therapy and serving the ASD community. Join us on this incredible journey of compassion and growth.

We see significant progress in kids when learning is fun!

Kirsten Brooks, BCBA, Chief Clinical Officer

ABA Connect was founded in 2013 by Kirsten Brooks, BCBA. She started the organization after realizing that families in Austin, TX, lacked adequate services for children with autism. Since then, ABA Connect has expanded to include multiple locations across Central Texas and Greater Houston.

Kirsten Brooks now serves as the Chief Clinical Officer. Despite her current role, Kirsten maintains her connection with the children and her passion for play-based therapy.

Kirsten Brooks, BCBA, founder of ABA Connect

Tim Plachta, Chief Operating Officer

In 2018, Tim Plachta joined ABA Connect as a partner and Director of Business Operations. Tim is deeply committed to the special needs community, influenced by his second daughter, who has Down syndrome. He has founded initiatives such as Ruby’s Rainbow and ABLE accounts in Texas to support the special needs community.

Tim is dedicated to ensuring that ABA Connect remains a premier provider of ABA services. He strives to create a place where he would be proud to take his own children for therapy.

Tim Plachta, Director of Business Operations ABA Connect

Start Therapy at ABA Connect: Call or Text 833-225-9393 or complete our online form